The Share Dialog is an easy way to let people share content without requiring them to log into your app or grant any permissions. It works on Web, Android, and ...
You can enable sharing from your website using social plugins or your own UI that opens Facebook sharing dialogs. Social Plugins. If you want to enabling ...
Let people share your app or site content across platforms with the power of Stories in Facebook and Instagram, or direct messages with Facebook Messenger.
The Share button lets people add a personalized message to links before sharing on their timeline, in groups, or to their friends via a Facebook Message.
When you use Facebook's Share dialogs on all platforms, you can give people an expressive sharing experience regardless of how they've logged into your app. Web · Android · iOS · Open Graph Markup
The Share dialog gives people the ability to publish an individual story to their timeline. This documentation describes how to implement the Share dialog on ...
Provides an interface for sharing through the graph API. Using this class requires an access token in AccessToken.currentAccessToken that has been granted ...
This document describes how you optimize web-hosted content that people share to Facebook, regardless of whether it's shared from the desktop or mobile web or ... Using Objects · Getting Started · Specify a Canonical URL · Optimizing M